Sunday, July 27, 2014

RGNIYD invites EOI for Empanelling NGOs/Civil Society Organisations to organize programmes

Invitation for Expression of Interest For Empaneling NGOs/Civil Society Organisations

Project Title: Empaneling NGOs/Civil Society Organisations to organize Collaborative/Independent programmes with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD)

Background: The Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur, Tamil Nadu, is an Institute of National Importance by an act of Parliament No.35/2012 under the Minsitry of Youth Affairs &Sports, Government of India. The RGNIYD was set up in 1993 under the Societies Registration Act XXVII of 1975. RGNIYD Functions as vital resource centre with its multi-faceted functions of offering academic programmes at Post Graduate level encompassing various dimensions of youth development, engaging in seminal research in the vital areas of youth development and coordinating Training Programmes for state agencies and the officials of youth organisations, besides the Extension and Outreach initiatives across the country.

1. RGNIYD would like to empanel reputed NGOs/Civil Society orgnisations to organise capacity building/ training activities of Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development(RGNIYD), Sriperumbudur in various regions of the country. In this context RGNIYD would like to receive Expression of Interest (EoI) from those interested in collaborating with RGNIYD. The Format for submitting EoI is given below;

2. The EoI will be scrutinised by expert committee and only shortlisted organisations will be informed for further action.

3. Mere submitting application will not make you eligible for signing MoU with RGNIYD

4. List and category of training programmes organised by RGNIYD is available in RGNIYD Website:

5. Service providers are requested to mention the category of training programmes they are interested along with region where they are going to be organised

6. Duly filled application form along with necessary documents should be submitted to following address.

Last date for submitting Expression of Interest: 15th the August 2014, 5.00 PM

For more information visit the Link :

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Foreign support for Indian NGOs under government scrutiny

India's new government has moved to restrict foreign funding for the local chapters of non-government activist groups.

Foreign support for Indian NGOs under government scrutiny (Credit: ABC)

The organisations include well known human rights, anti-nuclear and environmental organisations.

The government argues foreign-funded NGOs have fomented protests against a number of development projects, damaging India's national economy.

Reporter: As Murali Krishnan

Speakers: Jagori Dhar, Greenpeace; Eenakshi Ganguly, director, Haq; Nandikesh Sivalingam, forest campaigner

KRISHNAN: Over a dozen NGO's have been sent notices by the Home Ministry asking them to explain their funding and spending pattern as a "stricter fund monitoring" regime is expected to kick in.

Many of these NGOs facing the heat include those opposing genetically modified organisms, well-known environmental and anti-nuclear groups to little-known localised outfits.

Some of these organisations fear a clampdown under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government for campaigning on environmental, land rights or anti-nuclear issues.

Eenakshi Ganguly, director of Haq, a child rights NGO explains.

GANGULY: It is a worrying scenario… that is very very clear. In a democracy there has to be a space for dissent. If there is no dissenting voice, there is no democracy. This is a way to gag the messenger and not the message. The message is that there has to be someone who has to speak up for people who are disempowered and disenfranchised. And if you are going to gag that, then the voice of the disenfranchised is gagged. So basically they are gagging the whole debate around anything they don't want to listen to.

KRISHNAN: Greenpeace, a NGO working on environment issues, has been in the centre of controversy with an Intelligence Bureau report indicting it for fuelling anti-nuclear agitations and adversely affecting the Indian economy.

Jagori Dhar is a spokesperson from Greenpeace.

DHAR: Because the way we run our campaign in India, we are taking up issues not raised by others, we are taking up grass-roots level fights where we are only empowering local communities about their rights that are guaranteed under the constitution of this country and all we are doing is making people aware of their rights. It seems the government is shaken, they are scared by the work Green peace is doing.

The NGOs on the government's radar include Greenpeace, Catholic Organisation for Relief and Development Aid or Cordaid, Action Aid, Amnesty International, Survival International, National Alliance of Anti-Nuclear Movements, People's Movement Against Nuclear Energy.

According to the government, various organisations, including NGOs, in India received approximately 1.96 billion US dollars in 2012-13 as foreign donations from 164 countries.The data were provided by minister of state for home affairs Kiren Rijiju in parliament.

Nandikesh Sivalingam, a forest campaigner sees a disturbing trend.

NANDIKESH: So what are the NGOs asking? We ask the government to save our forests, save our tribal people, save our farmers from Monsanto and others. So how is this anti-people? The economy is for everybody. Everyone should be part of the economy and benefit from it. So if it is only befitting one set of the people like the corporations, how is it that it is right? That is what we are asking. So how is it that wrong? How is that anti-development, that is our question?

KRISHNAN: Government spokespersons refused to comment on the issue.

The home ministry's report makes the claim that India's annual GDP growth rate fell by 2 to 3% because of NGO campaigns between 2011 and 2013.

But it does not assess the impact of grassroots campaigns in relation to other factors that impacted the political economy - the policy paralysis in government, the corruption and mismanagement, and judicial scrutiny.

Ms Ganguly again.

GANGULY: Look at the new land acquisition bill which makes it easy for corporates to get land. Why? Development to be sustainable has to inclusive of all. It cannot be at the cost of one group of people against the other. It is not as of all of us are against development. We want roads, we want development, and we want people to have rights, better facilities, basic amenities... It cannot be for some at the cost of others.

KRISHNAN: NGOs are clearly worried. How this controversy plays out will be keenly watched.


Friday, July 25, 2014

Vodafone Foundation India Call for Entries from NGOs in Education, Health, Governance, Agriculture and Women Empowerment

The Mobile for Good Awards will recognise five best-practice NGOs/NFPs for life-changing mobile solutions.

Below are the two official Categories for the M4G 2014 awards:
Main Category: Focused on recognizing projects/ initiatives by NGOs/NFPs
Special Category: Focused on recognising ideas/concepts by NGOs/ NFPs/ For Profit Organisations /Individuals

This year Vodafone Foundation has decided to include ideas/concepts along with initiatives that are already visible on ground, which could also have potential social impact if taken up by serious players.

Selection Process:
The Mobile for Good 2014 Award winners will be selected based on their eligibility and demonstration of success, scalability and sustainability of their initiatives in the following areas (sub-categories) under each of the major categories:

· Education

· Health

· Governance

· Agriculture & Environment

· Women Empowerment & Inclusive Development

Finalist and winner selection process:
The awards will consist of a two-stage jury process, with category finalists notified in September and the finalists invited to a final live judging round in New Delhi, in early October.

What we are looking for:
We are looking for mobile-based solutions in the areas of Health, Education, Governance, Agriculture & Environment and Women Empowerment & Inclusive Development to facilitate effective and efficient benefits to target users. The funding grant from the Vodafone Foundation will further facilitate development of these solutions and up-scaling them.

Within the Special Awards category, we will be looking for the written presentation of ideas and concepts, rooted in research, exploring the mobilisation of various services in the social development context.

The Mobile for Good 2014 awards will share a funding grant of 6,000,000 (sixty lakh rupees) between the five categories mentioned above. In addition, the Main Category Awardees will receive structured mentoring, monitoring and impact evaluation support from credible institutions, incubators, etc. to upscale and build greater capacity of their projects.

The Special Category Awardees will receive a Recognition Certificate and a Souvenir from the Vodafone Foundation.

Important Dates:
The applications will open on 10 July, 2014 and close on 20 August, 2014.

The Mobile for Good 2014 Awards main event is scheduled to take place in November 2014.

For more information visit the Link:

Thursday, July 24, 2014

C S Award program 2014-15

National Foundation for India

The National Foundation for India is an autonomous, professionally managed fund raising and grant-making organization promoting civil society action and public deliberation for social change. It was set up in 1992 by a group of eminent citizens led by Late Shri C Subramaniam, Dr M.S..Swaminathan and Late Ms Kamla Choudhry who felt the need for a vibrant voluntary sector in creating a more just and equitable society by enabling marginalized communities to improve the quality of their own lives, and by improving public understanding. To know more about the foundation, please visit


In recognition of the seminal contribution made by Shri C Subramaniam, the founder Chairman of NFI, in the field of food security and sustainable livelihood, NFI instituted an award program in 2003 for mid-career voluntary sector workers and community leaders for promoting voluntary action and local leadership in the fields of food security and sustainable livelihood.

Voluntary Sector Workers : A large number of people in the voluntary sector lack the benefits of formal education and opportunities for upward mobility. Many voluntary workers spend long years working at the grassroots level and gain vast experience, knowledge and depth of understanding about doing development work because of their roots in their area of engagement. This despite modest salaries and daunting work at the grassroots level. The voluntary sector draws its strength and depends on the performance of this group of people for making any large-scale impact.

Community Leaders : In recent years, the community has become the focus of development work. But contrary to what is often believed, it is difficult for deprived people to come into a relationship that strengthens cooperation and self-governance. The importance of supporting and encouraging community leaders, who create bonds of solidarity and values that empower communities in achieving democratic and egalitarian goals, cannot be ignored.


· To provide opportunities to selected fellows to upgrade their skills, deepen their leadership qualities and enhance motivation and understanding on various issues.

· To create a network of individual and institutions in order to increase the voluntary sector’s understanding on the issues of food security and sustainable livelihood.

· To encourage community level leaders who would be able to articulate the need of the local citizenry and mobilize them to access their rights and entitlements.


Voluntary sector workers – giving leadership on constructive work at the grassroots for minimum 8-10 years.

Community leaders – engaged in social movement / constructive at community level, for minimum 8-10 years.

Women candidates will be encouraged for both the Awards.


Award of Rs. 50,000/- and a momento will be given to the selected candidates.


· Both, the Voluntary Workers and Community Leaders should send a brief write-up of their experience, justifying eligibility for the Fellowships.

· A proposal from the candidate outlining the specific area of work (issue & geographical area) he / she would like to pursue with the Fellowships grant.

· The applications for both the Awards should be forwarded by the Chief Functionary of the NGO where the candidate is working.

The C. Subramaniam fellows for voluntary sector workers and community leaders have been awarded to 88 people in the past 11 years.

The last date for receipt of application is 15th September, 2014

For Application form contact :

Dr Amita Pal

National Foundation for India

Core 4A, UGF, India Habitat Centre

Lodi Road, New Delhi – 110003

Phones : 91-11-24641864 /65, 91-11-24648490-92

Fax : 91-11-24641867

E.mail :,

Visit our website to download application form.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


Budget is generally a disappointment for the NGO community, with only a very few benefits.

CSR expenditure of companies not to be tax deductible. Thus a big disappointment for companies, who now may resort to camouflage it under other sections. Or it may benefit NGOs who have S.35AC registration.

Other provisions for NGOs (generally referred to as Charitable Trusts)

Clarification provided for ‘substantially financed’

Certain educational & medical institutions registered under S. 10(23) (under sub-clauses iiiab & iiiad) are exempt from tax if ‘substantially financed by the Govt.’ Currently substantial has not been defined in the Act and courts interpret this based on other provisions in the Act. Govt will now specify exact % of total receipts (including donations, etc., if any), which will entitle the concerned institution to claim exemption from its entire income.

Claim both for Depreciation as well as cost of asset not to be allowed

A Trust which has included acquisition cost of an asset in the application amount, canot again claim depreciation.

Claims under multiple sections not allowed

If a charitable Trust has been registered / approved under. 12AA / S. 10(23), it cannot claim benefit under any other clause of S. 10, except for agriculture income.

Additional powers given to Commissioner for cancellation of S. 12AA registration

Commissioner given additional power to cancel S.12AA registration under following circumstances:

1. If income/property of Trust, applied for the benefits of specified persons, like trustee

2.If funds are invested in prohibited modes.

3.It is found that charitable trust is generally not applying the income of Trust for public in general.

Relief in case of delayed S.12AA registration

In case of delayed registration under S. 12, any pending assessment on the date of registration would be considered for providing benefit under S. 12A, but not the assessments which are already complete.

Anonymous Donations

Tax calculation method on anonymous donations modified to streamline the same.

Socio Research & Reform Foundation (NGO)
512 A, Deepshikha, 8 Rajendra Place, New Delhi – 110008

Friday, July 11, 2014



Last date: 31-7-2014

Budget, CSR and NGOs

The new Finance Bill brings much desired clarity for CSR expenditure. This expenditure will not be allowed as a business deduction under section 37 of Income Tax Act.

This has a (counter-intuitively!) positive implication for NGOs. Companies looking for some tax advantage for their CSR spend will now be interested in donating to NGOs. This will help them get at least 50% deduction under sec. 80G.

And if the NGO is approved under sec. 35AC? The company can claim 100% deduction from taxable income!

Talk about having your cake and eating it too!!


- Finance Bill 2014, proposed modification to sec. 37

- Sec. 135 of Companies Act 2013

- CSR Rules 2014
